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Steps to Take After Leaving a Job to Get Your Financial Life in Order

Leaving a job can be a frightening proposal, even if you’re moving up in the world—navigating retirement plan rollovers, lost and gained benefits, pay and cost-of-living changes, and the other variables can feel quite daunting. Fortunately, if you take a moment and relax, you’ll find that a methodical, thoughtful approach makes it all much easier. Today, we’ll help you navigate your way through the financials of leaving a job without getting stressed about the endeavor.

Figure out what you’re losing and what you’re gaining.

Take a close, hard look at the benefits you’re losing as you leave your job, noting the value of stock options, leave time, child-care, insurance, etc. If you’re moving immediately into a new job, you’ll want to evaluate what you’re gaining the same way, for ease of comparison. A firm understanding of the actual value of what you’re losing or gaining is important.

Look into what you can take with you.

Not every valuable benefit vanishes when you leave a job. You might have several decisions to make about more flexible benefits, such as stock options, which you’ll want to go over with a tax or finance professional—the details around these decisions can get quite complex quite quickly, so don’t let yourself drown alone in the specifics of rolling over your 401k to a new plan or an IRA, keeping or selling stock options, etc.

Negotiate to reimburse losses.

If you’ve noted a loss of value in moving to a new job, that information can be useful for negotiating additional pay, benefits, and one-time expense coverage (for relocation, etc.). Otherwise, look to a financial planning adviser for assistance in finding moves you can make to shrink the gap—you may be able to defray relocation expenses with tax deductions, qualify for new credits, etc.

Undertake a thorough self-audit.

When the dust settles, it’s time to conduct a thorough self-audit and see where your income, benefits, investments, retirement savings, and other financial considerations all stand. Make sure to review plans which, while not directly associated with the job you’re leaving, may interact strangely with your new situation—insurance, investments, estate plans, and the like all need a second look over after a major change such as leaving a job. Take your time, get professional financial planning assistance, and do it right, so you can rest assured that your big change is a move in the right direction.

When Clients Spend Through Their Savings

A reporter from Financial Planning Magazine, recently posed a question to several financial advisors asking:

“What happens when an elderly retired client runs out of money?”

Below is my response, which was included in the article:



Michael Lecours, an advisor at Ohanesian/Lecours in West Hartford, Conn., says the time to address the issue of running out of money with retirees is when they start increasing withdrawal rates from their savings.

“We can see the writing on the wall five to 10 years away,” Lecours says. “After a conversation, most clients recognize the issue and find ways to reduce their expenses. They make plans to downsize, move in with a family member, or scale back on their lifestyle.”



A Guide to Building a Better Budget

Building a budget and having a good handle on your expenses is the first step to preparing for retirement.  When meeting a prospective client, it is one of the first questions we ask but very rarely does anyone have a good sense of where their income goes each month.

If you’ve been meaning to get started with a budget, read this article: These seven steps will set you on the right course.